We’re offering special flexible pricing in your area.

Fill out the form and choose your package to partner with Grubhub today
By clicking “Submit” or by using this site, you agree to Grubhub's terms of use and privacy policy.
How do you want to boost your business?
Three options for increasing sales and reaching new customers
After listening to restaurants in your area, we’ve redesigned our pricing into simple, transparent, and flexible packages to best meet your unique goals.

Three options for increasing sales and reaching new customers
After listening to restaurants in your area, we’ve redesigned our pricing into simple, transparent, and flexible packages to best meet your unique goals.

*Coming soon.
**Restaurants have the option of using Grubhub’s delivery service or their own.
***Pricing and offers valid for select restaurants in Louisville, KY, Sacramento, CA, and surrounding areas only (subject to Grubhub’s verification). Only available for restaurants that have five (5) or fewer locations total. Certain features, including but not limited to branded digital ordering websites and professional photoshoots, are subject to availability and may not be available until a later date. Grubhub reserves the right to cancel or modify the pricing and offers (including any aspect thereof) described herein at any time with or without notice to restaurant at Grubhub’s sole discretion. Terms apply. Please visit https://lp-stage.grubhub.com/restaurant/pricing-packages-lv-sc or contact a Grubhub Sales representative for details.