Try Grubhub free for 60 days!

Enjoy 0% commission for 60 days* — and competitive commission rates after that — when you launch your locations on the nation’s largest online food ordering marketplace.


Claim your free trial


Boost your business from day one

It’s free to sign up

No up-front costs, no long-term commitments and no surprise fees. You only pay for orders placed.

Capture incremental customers

We help you reach a new audience, so you can build a loyal fan base.

Grubhub Guarantee

With Grubhub Guarantee, we promise on-time deliveries for your diners or their money back, funded by Grubhub.

Why partner with Grubhub?

More orders

Capture incremental online orders and increase your revenue

POS Integration

Grubhub integrates seamlessly with some of the most popular point of sale systems so you can enjoy operational efficiency

New customers

Gain access to our network of over 33 million customers nation-wide

Ready to join the Grubhub community? Let’s get started with your 60 day free trial!