LPG Process

LPG is our go-to modular landing page builder that you can use for all your marketing campaigns.

Every new landing page still needs to go through the Creative Process, but afterwards you’ll have full access to tweak and test your pages.

Please review the process below to understand what it takes to put together a landing page.

Afterward, feel free to check out our Wiki or look over all the available modules.

Creative Process

  1. Creative receives brief
  2. Creative and Marweb determine necessary requirements and timelines
  3. Creative concepts then writes & designs required digital assets
  4. Goes through normal creative review process
  5. Creative delivers approved design, assets, and copy to Marweb
    • Includes landing page and any accompanying emails or other assets for the project
  6. Marweb evaluates the needs of the landing page
    1. If no new modules need to be created, Marweb can construct and deliver LPG page to stakeholder without development
    2. Else creative delivers new module design to the dev team
    3. If the page is concession driven, Marweb must be provided with
  7. Connect with Data Analytics team about proper campaign tagging
    Stakeholder overview of campaign required
    1. Any required pixels?
    2. Any UTM tagging needs?
    3. Any page event tagging?
  8. If the page requires SEO value, connect with SEO team prior to Kickoff so it is on all stakeholders radar
  9. Marweb evaluates the needs of the email based on what was provided from the creative team
    1. Specifically for ACQ: Does it require Dynamic Deployment?
    2. Create source_recent
      • ex: LP_SL_CAMPUS_VENMOTEXTCHAT_09082018
  10. Marweb delivers HTML or LPG pre-prod links to creative and is Q/A’d and approved by all parties through Basecamp
  11. Once approved, Marweb delivers the page to the stakeholder in LPG on Basecamp
  12. If an email needed to be created, either:
    1. The HTML/Hermes link is handed off to CRM team by Marweb on Basecamp
    2. OR the HTML is passed to a third party for email deployment and testing