2022 Grubhub Driver Grant Application

Please provide your personal information

You must use the email address associated with your Grubhub for Drivers account. Using a different email address will result in your application being rejected or disqualified.

Tell us why you should receive the Grubhub Driver Grant 

Your video should share information related to the topics in bold below. We've also included some additional questions for each topic to help get you started.

  • How have you made an impact on the community? What is your involvement in your community currently (if applicable). If you’re not currently active, what would your involvement look like if you won this grant money?
  • What is your goal with this grant? What will you use the money for? How will this make a difference in your community/yourself?
  • How have you used Grubhub to further your goals? What aspect of working with Grubhub do you value the most and why?

You may upload your video to sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, etc. and provide a public sharing link. Be sure that your video settings are set to public. Private videos may not be viewable by others and may disqualify your application.

Please provide the name of the organization you’ll be using the money toward.